Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Southern Lady Style's Top Southern Recipes

Two of my favorite things to do is cook and eat! My all time favorite type of food is down home southern cooking. I decided to share my picks for Top Southern Recipes and feature Paula Deen's recipes on Southern Lady Style. Paula Deen features great recipe catagories on her website, so I chose my top pick from each. It was not an easy task since she offers so many great dishes. Throughout the post click on the name of each of my picks and the link will take you straight to the recipe. Enjoy! 

Appetizer: Traditional Southern Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs has always been one of my favorite foods. I love to eat them anytime they are prepared, but especially on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Beverage: Sweet Tea

My top picks would not be complete without a recipe for homemade sweet tea. Southern Ladies always have sweet tea in the refridgerator!

I remember the first time I had cheese biscuits. I was at Red Lobster with my family and they brought them out before our meal. They were so warm and delcious. Paula Deen's recipe is quick and easy so now I can bake these biscuits at home!

Casserole: Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd's Pie was the first southern dish I started making when I was just a pre-teen. I brought a recipe home from school and cooked for my family. They all loved it. I still enjoying cooking this very easy recipe!

Dessert: Pumpkin Pie

With fall right around the corner, I could not resist putting this dessert on the list. :)

Kid Friendly: Sausage Balls

Paula Deen has a kid friendly category and I am really glad sausage balls were on her list. This recipe is really simple!

Main Dish: Old-Fashioned Meatloaf

This recipe is one of my top picks because it is one of my boyfriend's favorite southern dishes!

I know this recipe is not technically a sauce or dressing, but Paula Deen feautured the dip in this category so I am going to use it. This dip is one of my favorites!!

One of my favorite pastimes was going catfishing with my MawMaw Faye. We would stay out all afternoon fishing and then come home and she would always cook the fish for us. I love good home fried southern catfish!

Mac & Cheese is good by itself or with any southern meal!

Slow Cooker: Harvest Stew

This vegtable soup recipe is oh so good! I love a good slow cooker stew when it is freezing cold outside!

I love cucumbers soaked in vinegar. This recipe serves the vinegar on the side.

Please visit for all her wonderful recipes! I would love to hear some of y'all's favorite recipes are! :)


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